This document downloading script will permit you to set up a download zone on your site which links to files that don't exist physically on the website. Rather, the documents to be downloaded can exist in an exchange area on the document framework. It is really the script being used right on this page for downloading these records.
// Modify this line to indicate the location of the files you want people to be able to download // This path must not contain a trailing slash. ie. /temp/files/download $download_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/download_semisecure"; $filename = $_GET['filename']; // Detect missing filename if(!$filename) die("I'm sorry, you must specify a file name to download."); // Make sure we can't download files above the current directory location. if(eregi("\.\.", $filename)) die("I'm sorry, you may not download that file."); $file = str_replace("..", "", $filename); // Make sure we can't download .ht control files. if(eregi("\.ht.+", $filename)) die("I'm sorry, you may not download that file."); // Combine the download path and the filename to create the full path to the file. $file = "$download_path/$file"; // Test to ensure that the file exists. if(!file_exists($file)) die("I'm sorry, the file doesn't seem to exist."); // Extract the type of file which will be sent to the browser as a header $type = filetype($file); // Get a date and timestamp $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); $time = time(); // Send file headers header("Content-type: $type"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename"); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); // Send the file contents. readfile($file);