1: These are available for Linux in the msttcorefonts package.
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font-family:Arial,'DejaVu Sans','Liberation Sans',Freesans,sans-serif;ARIAL NARROW:
font-family:'Arial Narrow','Nimbus Sans L',sans-serif;ARIAL BLACK:¹
font-family:'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif;BOOKMAN: Easy-reading, wider and heavier than most serif fonts.
font-family:'Bookman Old Style',Bookman,'URW Bookman L','Palatino Linotype',serif;CENTURY GOTHIC: Widely installed and should be used more in headings.
font-family:'Century Gothic',futura,'URW Gothic L',Verdana,sans-serif;COMIC SANS MS:¹ People love it or hate it—there’s even a movement devoted to banning it. No Linux equivalent.
font-family:'Comic Sans MS',cursive;CONSOLE: Monospace sans, brighter and easier-reading than Courier-types, sets at same width.
font-family:Consolas,'Lucida Console','DejaVu Sans Mono',monospace;COURIER:¹ Monospace typewriter; Consolas looks better than Courier at smaller sizes.
font-family:'Courier New',Courier,'Nimbus Mono L',monospace;GEORGIA:¹ Pretty for titles and headings but has annoying descended numerals.
font-family:Constantia,Georgia,'Nimbus Roman No9 L',serif;HELVETICA: Primarily a Mac font; should fall back to Arial to cover Windows machines.
font-family:Helvetica,Arial,'DejaVu Sans','Liberation Sans',Freesans,sans-serifIMPACT:¹ MS proprietary. Risky on non-win systems.
font-family:Impact, Haettenschweiler, 'Arial Narrow Bold', sans-serif;LUCIDA SANS:
font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode','Lucida Grande','Lucida Sans','DejaVu Sans Condensed',sans-serif;PALATINO:
font-family:Cambria,'Palatino Linotype','Book Antiqua','URW Palladio L',serif;SYMBOL: Greek & Math. Use where needed. Widely supported.
font-family:symbol,'Standard Symbols L';TAHOMA: Note: Has no italic face.
font-family:'Tahoma',sans-serif;TIMES NEW ROMAN:¹ Sets tighter than other serif fonts.
font-family:Cambria,'Times New Roman','Nimbus Roman No9 L','Freeserif',Times,serif;TREBUCHET:¹
font-family:'Trebuchet MS',sans-serif;VERDANA:¹ The best body font on the web—best at 16px high. Do not fall-back to Arial nor Helvetica: Verdana sets much wider.
font-family:Verdana,Geneva,'DejaVu Sans',sans-serif;WEBDINGS:¹ MS proprietary.
font-family:Webdings,fantasy;WINGDINGS: MS proprietary. No Linux equiv.
font-family:Wingdings,fantasy;ZAPF CHANCERY:
font-family:'Monotype Corsiva','Apple Chancery','ITC Zapf Chancery','URW Chancery L',cursive;ZAPF DINGBATS: Rarely used now—should not be used on web.
font-family:'Monotype Sorts',dingbats,'ITC Zapf Dingbats',fantasy;
1: These are available for Linux in the msttcorefonts package.
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